Newest #inktober

By on Oct 19, 2016

I started my next drawing. My daughter is still into the #inktober thing but I can tell she is losing interest. She asked if we can do origami next month. I remember being her age and being obsessed with origami. My mom’s friend’s husband (that seems convoluted) was an engineer who was amazing at origami. When he found out I was interested, he gave me paper-planes that were so complex I swore he had used scissors and glue.My daughter and I went to see Kubo and the Two Strings and I’m sure this added to her curiousity. Kubo and the Two Strings is the latest Laika picture. It is all done in stop animation which is so remarkably beautiful you will swear it is CGI. Kubo plays a magical lute(?) that brings paper to life. It is a wonderful film. It seemed a little scary at times but my daughter thought it was great.Online Printing and CalendarsMilwaukee’s Best...


By on Oct 13, 2016

There it is. I finished the Fearow drawing. I finished it this morning with my daughter. We got up extra early so we could watch Adventure Time and draw. We were talking about Inktober and she wanted to post her #inktober picture too.Online Printing and CalendarsMilwaukee Printing

Does it hold up… Cypress Hill

By on Oct 4, 2016

I am having a problem writing this because I have switched my opinion while writing. I put this album on for a run the other day and I was really disappointed. The album has its bright spots but for the most part it really doesn’t hold up.Then I put it on this morning to make sure it was fresh in my mind as I wrote this and I found myself liking it a lot more than I did the other night. B-Real is pretty great. His voice is unique and his rhyme scheme is wonderful. He has a uniqueness that stands out. When you hear him rap, you know it is him. DJ Muggs has always been an enigma to me. He is a hype-man with no hype. I suppose it would be too much to be like Flava Flav when your whole niche is being stoned. He definitely adds something but sometimes I wonder if it is anything worth while…I started this post last week. I was conflicted. Like I said before, I listened to the album and came...

Pokémon GO continues…

By on Sep 26, 2016

I went to visit some family this weekend. It was my nephew’s birthday so I took him Pokémoning. We went to a park in Neenah, WI. I was really looking forward to spending time with my nephew. He was the reason I started playing Pokémon in the first place. Honestly I’ve gotten a little burnt out on playing. The new buddy update was ok but all the spots are starting to seem the same. I haven’t added anything to my Pokédex in a while so aside from hatching eggs it has gotten a little mundane. Neenah was SO much different. It was so much fun. There were all kinds of new Pokémon. My nephew was in heaven. We were super cold sitting on the lake but other than that it was great. He had a smile on his face the whole time.The other thing that was great was seeing the diversity of people. There were all types of people. One picnic table of players looked like extras from The...


By on Sep 20, 2016

I like beer. Nope, that is incorrect. I love beer. Probably a little too much. I have a habit of making things a habit. This is something that I know about myself. When I take an interest in something I explore it to its limits. Beer is a good example. I will not drink Budweiser or Bud Light. I will not. I would much rather drink water. I will occasionally drink Miller, but that is unavoidable in Milwaukee. I like what is becoming know as “hobby” beers or “craft” beers. That is a bit of a misnomer, especially here in Milwaukee. We have a few local breweries that are actually quite big. MKE is one that I like. Their staple Louie’s Demise is my go-to. One thing I cannot stand are flavored beers or alcoha-pops. As far as I’m concerned Mike’s Hard Lemonade is one of the worst things to happen to alcoholic beverages. There is a reason they market to “manly men” and that is because no...

Pokémon GO! The Adventure Continues…

By on Sep 7, 2016

I have been playing this game for a while now. I haven’t really thought about it until right now. It seems like the game has only been out for a short time, but it has actually been a few months. I’ve heard there is a certain level of fatigue but I am still enjoying playing.So last week I was SO excited to go play after work on Friday. Work has been a bit stressful lately. I have been developing a new website and there has been a lot of pressure to get it done as quickly as possible. So I was able to leave work before noon due to an abundance of hours put in on the new website. I had my money, my new battery backup, my change of clothes…and I had a cold. A lousy head cold. Due to the long hours and visiting visitors, my sleep was lacking and a cold took up residence in my skull.Alas, I was not going to give up. I stopped by the local store on the way to the Zoo and...