Pokémon GO! The Adventure Continues…

By on Sep 7, 2016

I have been playing this game for a while now. I haven’t really thought about it until right now. It seems like the game has only been out for a short time, but it has actually been a few months. I’ve heard there is a certain level of fatigue but I am still enjoying playing.So last week I was SO excited to go play after work on Friday. Work has been a bit stressful lately. I have been developing a new website and there has been a lot of pressure to get it done as quickly as possible. So I was able to leave work before noon due to an abundance of hours put in on the new website. I had my money, my new battery backup, my change of clothes…and I had a cold. A lousy head cold. Due to the long hours and visiting visitors, my sleep was lacking and a cold took up residence in my skull.Alas, I was not going to give up. I stopped by the local store on the way to the Zoo and...

Pokémon GO Adventures

By on Aug 8, 2016

I’m still having a good time playing Pokémon GO. I sometimes get a little free time to myself on Fridays. Usually I will just waste the time, maybe do some chores, but lately I’ve been checking out new parks. I have been finding some unexpected things along the way. Eventually I’d like to look into things like this. How did something like this end up in a Waukesha park? Next time I go downtown I think I’m going to take screenshots of the various Poké-Stops so I can find out more about them. One stop in particular was a brick. A single brick in the side of a brick building in memorial to one person. I don’t even think there is a plack. Just an engraved brick.Milwaukee Digital Printer