Another Quiet Saturday Morning

By on Feb 7, 2017

Every once in a while the stars align and I get a Saturday morning to draw. The girls were content with their over-sized cinnamon rolls and new animated feature so I was able to scribble out a quick sketch. We were at the Zoo the other day and they had a new cardinal. It was a little grey guy the likes of which I had never seen. It is smaller and more angular than the typical cardinal. I couldn’t remember what kind it was or where it was from but while trying to find it I did find some neat pictures of grey cardinals.While in school I took a technical illustration class. It was a good experience because it helped me develop my observation skills. Just taking the time to focus on every detail of the subject. Trying to figure out what makes it unique before even starting to draw. I had a professor who would talk about how labeling things makes us lazy. When you look at a chair, you...