Inktober 2020…Day 1: Fish

By on Oct 5, 2020

  Inktober is officially under way! For whatever reason I usually start with a Pokémon so a Magikarp seemed appropriate. I’ve already started cleaning the final scan to get it ready as a sticker…     Feeling pretty good about things this year. I’m already having fun and I already know what I’m doing for Day 2 but I haven’t figured how I’m going to pull it off yet.

Inktober is Nigh

By on Sep 30, 2020

I will not lie, I have really been burnt out. I haven’t been as depressed lately. I had a bit of a rough patch for a while there but, while better, things have been a bit… blah. I have been drawing but I haven’t been very motivated. I have been picking up old drawings and finishing them off but nothing has really excited me lately. Now, however, Inktober is just around the corner and I am ready. I decided to get a jump start. I have my first two days planned and I have my goal for the month…     I usually start with a Pokémon of some sort and this year’s first prompt is FISH so why not start with a magikarp. I spent an evening drinking and drawing, working and reworking and I am pretty happy with the direction this is going. It has been a while since I was excited about a drawing. I could not wait to get back to it last night…    ...