The first Christmas my wife and I spent together she gave me the first season of The Simpsons and this Homer Rubik’s Cube…
Cute, right? He was so much fun to play around with. I would jumble him up and then solve him. Over and over, until one day when I wasn’t able to solve him. I worked at it and worked at it but I couldn’t solve the puzzle. Literally weeks went by and then months. I would pick Homer up any time I had a moment to spare, and that was before we had kids so I had alot of spare moments. After what was close to a year I finally solved it and had my perfect little Homer bust. I actually did a little dance. When my wife asked what the little celebration was about I smiled and showed her the puzzle. She took the puzzle and congratulated me while inspecting it. She then started to absent-mindedly twist the Rubik’s Cube while starting a conversation. I cannot remember what she was saying but I can still picture her standing there twisting away to my horror. That was over 17 years ago.
I have worked on it for hours since then, never being able to bring Homer back to his former self. I even watched Youtube videos on how to solve Rubik’s Cube puzzles. Nothing I tried worked. Then the other day my friend sent a video of someone speed solving a 2 by 2 Rubik’s Cube. We started talking about Rubik’s Cubes and it turns out he is quite the enthusiast and the video was of himself. So I recruited his help and I am happy to say…
Homer is once again back to his old self. It has been a long road but here we are and as soon as I get a chance I am going to drip super glue in every one of his joints.