Inktober 2021…Day 6: Spirit




This one was fun. Obvious Nightmare before Christmas influence. I was tempted to get really detailed in the moon but then I started thinking this might make a good Halloween card. I think I’ll make it all black and white except for a nice orange moon for contrast.



This is my favorite part of the drawing. This was one of those that I should do alot more work on but I’m just so happy with the parts that are working that I don’t want to screw it up. Maybe I’ll make some scans for the card and work it a little more. As for right now, things are really ramping up for Mighty Con. I’m still full of doubt but every once in a while a glimmer of optimism is peaking through. For better or worse, two more weeks and it will all be over. I have a few projects in mind once all the hustle and bustle are through, including a fun environmental one but that will have to wait until Spring. I’m already scoping out locations.