My cacti are staring to come along. I’ve started to figure out what I’m going to do with them and I have already started “planting” a few. I’m making public art. Some might call it trash, and that is probably more on the nose, but I’m moving forward anyway. I did create a page to explain the project and I’ve put a QR code linked to the page on the inside of the cacti. Who knows if this will even be noticed, I guess we’ll see.
I don’t know if it is because I just finished watching Avatar the Last Airbender with my daughter, but I’ve decided to make these elemental themed. The first one is water and now I am working on fire…
I don’t quite have the colors right yet but that is the point of prototypes. This one is a little too Iron Man-esque for my liking right now but for a rough draft I think it is on the right track. These are going to be alot more work but I have a goal in mind so here we go.