Here is a fun little sticker I just knocked out. Only took a couple of days. I reconnected with a friend I haven’t spoken to in a couple years and it was inspired by him. Specifically this song…
Another thing he introduced me to, in addition to Milk and Cheese, was the comic book Steven. Among the characters is an alcoholic cactus. While that cactus looks nothing like this one, the inspiration is there.
I mentioned I had a couple ideas and that one was plant based. That night I started some sketches and was pretty happy with the direction it was going. I was going to make a quick project of it but my daughter has been joining me for late night drawing again so my colored pencils got involved.
It really only took about two days to produce the final product. It was fun and I’m pretty happy with how they turned out. I would like to do more little plants. Maybe a whole series of succulents. I really have the process down now. Sketch, Ink, Scan and color. I supposed production has a place in there somewhere but I have practiced enough that that has become the easy part.
I am still pretty impressed by the machinery though…
Like I said, or rather wrote, I’m pretty happy with how they turned out but I really feel like this little cactus needs a cowboy hat.
Maybe there will be a variant in the not too distant future. Only time will tell…